BeltLine Westside Trail Grand Opening

BeltLine Westside Trail Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

On a melting hot late-September afternoon, a large crowd of people was present as the Atlanta BeltLine’s Westside Trail was officially opened to the public on September 29, 2017. The heat proved to be a popular choice of topic for speakers at the ceremony, which was hosted at Gordon-White Park. Among the guests of honor, which included expected individuals like Major Kasim Reed and council members, the BeltLine’s Brian McGowan and Rob Brawner, and representatives from key public and private partners, but also a surprise appearance by Representative John Lewis; whom, Mayor Reed jokingly noted, “just happened to be in the neighborhood.”

Upon completion of the speeches, the guests of honor crossed White Street to cut the ribbon at the access ramp to the Westside Trail, surrounded by a swarm of media and visitors. After the ribbon cutting frenzy, the crowd disbursed back to the park for a community celebration and strolls along the newly opened trail.

BeltLine Westside Trail Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Community Celebration

Please join Mayor Kasim Reed, Atlanta BeltLine, Inc., and Atlanta BeltLine Partnership on Friday, September 29, 2017 as the BeltLine Westside Trail will officially be opened!

Mayor Reed will set the stage with a keynote address at 4:00pm, to be followed by an official ribbon cutting ceremony at 4:30pm. From there, neighbors of the Westside Trail will be welcomed with a community celebration from 5:00 to 7:00pm, featuring free food, music, kid-friendly activities, and opportunities to meet participating local community groups, businesses, and entrepreneurs.

All the festivities will take place in Gordon White Park, just steps away from the new trail, and Atlantans of all ages are encouraged to get the know the 3-mile trail during the celebration.

The opening marks a huge milestone for the Atlanta BeltLine and the City of Atlanta, marking the conclusion of a three-year construction process and an unprecedented $43 million infrastructure investment in Southwest Atlanta. The Atlanta BeltLine hopes you can join them to celebrate this exciting occasion.

For more information visit the event page.

Westview Cemetery Path

Westview Cemetery Trail

The PATH Foundation has just completed a new trail project that connects the trail head of the BeltLine Westview/West End spur trail at Westview Drive with the Westview neighborhood. The path was constructed along the border of the Westview Cemetery, creating a much needed connection. The projected was started in March and swiftly finished in April.

Westside Trail Construction Updates

Please join the Atlanta BeltLine for Westside Trail construction updates:

  • Safety
  • Schedule
  • Construction Impacts
  • General Questions

Free parking available or travel by MARTA bus #68 or #81.

For more information, contact Nathan Soldat:

Meet the Contractor BeltLine Meeting

Please join the Atlanta BeltLine to meet the contractor and have a community conversation to discuss:

  • Safety
  • Construction Sequencing and Schedule
  • Construction Access Points
  • General Questions

For more information, contact Nathan Soldat:

Atlanta BeltLine Westside Trail Groundbreaking

BeltLine Westside Trail Groundbreaking

Wednesday, November 12, 2014, marked a historic milestone for Westview and southwest Atlanta as the Atlanta BeltLine broke ground on the Westside Trail. The event brought out the Atlanta BeltLine staff, Mayor Kasim Reed and city and state officials, neighborhood residents, and a whole lot of press.

The Westside Trail will be under construction for the next two years. Once complete the 3-mile path, featuring 14-foot wide concrete multi-use trail, pedestrian lighting, security cameras, landscaping, retaining walls, and 16 access points, will run from Washington Park through Westview to Adair Park.

To see photos of the BeltLine Westside Trail Groundbreaking view the photo gallery below (click “continue reading”) or visit the Westview Facebook page.

Continue reading

Westside Trail Groundbreaking

Mayor Kasim Reed, Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. and the Atlanta BeltLine Partnership invite you to the groundbreaking of the Westside Trail.

Join the Atlanta BeltLine for a celebration as they break ground on the next significant milestone: the Westside Trail. The ceremony will take place on the Westside Trail where it intersects Allene Avenue (between Catherine Street and the Urban Farm) in historic Adair Park.

The ceremony site is accessible from the West End and Oakland City MARTA stations on the red / gold lines. From the West End station, take the 95 bus down Metropolitan. From the Oakland City station, take the 193 bus to Sylvan Road.

Biking and walking to the ceremony is encouraged and is an opportunity to use the interim hiking trail before it goes into construction. Bike racks will be available for locking up your bike at the event. Riding a bike in the corridor requires a suitable all-terrain bike.

On-street parking is available on Allene Avenue, Catherine Street, and Lexington Avenue. For navigation purposes, enter 1076 Allene Avenue SW, Atlanta, GA 30310.

The Westside Trail is a three-mile multi-use trail that will connect Washington Park in the north to Adair Park in the south with connectivity to multiple neighborhoods in between. This historic investment in southwest Atlanta will create a bicycle-and pedestrian-safe corridor with connections to four schools, four parks, and the future Urban Farm. It will stitch together economic nodes via shared-use trails, trailheads, and access points all while preserving the corridor for future streetcar transit. The design includes lighting, cameras, and ADA-accessible entry points. Visit our Westside Trail construction page for more information.

The Westside Trail is made possible through a U.S. DOT TIGER V grant of $18 million, a local match from the Georgia Department of Transportation for $9.5 million, funding from the Atlanta Regional Commission’s Transportation Improvement Plan, and the generous support of the following:

> James M. Cox Foundation / PATH Foundation
> Kaiser Permanente
> Susan and Richard Anderson
> Wells Fargo
> Georgia Power Foundation, Inc.
> AGL Resources
> Ray Weeks, Jr.
> Cousins Properties
> Richard and Susan Dugas Family Foundation
> Georgia-Pacific Foundation
> SunTrust Trusteed Foundations:
Harriet McDaniel Marshall Trust and Walter H. and Marjory M. Rich Memorial Fund
> Jamestown
> John W. Somerhalder II
> Philip I. Kent
> Mr. and Mrs. R. Charles Shufeldt
> Carter

Julie Ann McKevitt BeltLine Mural Unveiling

Julie Ann McKevitt BeltLine Mural Unveiling

Artist Julie Ann McKevitt painted a mural of dogwood blossoms at the underpass of Westview Drive (at Langhorn Street) as part of the annual Art on the BeltLine project. For her official unveiling she invited friends and neighbors to come out for “paint and popsicles” (#paintandpopsicles). Participants had fun getting creative with their “I was here” handprint marks next to Julie Ann’s mural, all the while enjoying cold popsicles.

To see photos of the BeltLine mural unveiling view the photo gallery below or visit the Westview Facebook page.

BeltLine Westside Trail Renderings and Final Plans

The Atlanta BeltLine released artist renderings showing how upcoming Westside Trail will look when complete. One set of renderings show what the rail corridor will look like after the trail is constructed and the second set shows how the corridor will look in the future with transit.

The Atlanta BeltLine also posted the 100% complete Westside Trail construction plans on their website for contractor bidding. Final bids are due August 22nd. Construction is scheduled to begin this fall.

Westside Trail at Lucile

Westside Trail at Lucile | Source: Atlanta BeltLine

Westside Trail at Lucile with Transit

Westside Trail at Lucile with Transit | Source: Atlanta BeltLine

Westside Trail at Kroger and RDA

Westside Trail at Kroger and RDA | Source: Atlanta BeltLine

Westside Trail at Kroger and RDA with Transit

Westside Trail at Kroger and RDA with Transit | Source: Atlanta BeltLine

Westside Trail at MLK

Westside Trail at MLK | Source: Atlanta BeltLine

Westside Trail MLK with Transit

Westside Trail MLK with Transit | Source: Atlanta BeltLine

Westside Trail White and Lawton

Westside Trail White and Lawton with TransitWestside Trail White and Lawton with Transit | Source: Atlanta BeltLine

Westside Trail Stafford Street Park

Westside Trail Stafford Street Park | Source: Atlanta BeltLine

Westside Trail Holderness with Transit

Westside Trail Holderness with Transit | Source: Atlanta BeltLine

Westside Trail Allene

Westside Trail Allene | Source: Atlanta BeltLine

BeltLine Westside Trail Update

Westside Trail Update: (Southwest & Westside Study Group)

Join the Atlanta BeltLine for a meeting to discuss upcoming events for the Westside Trail Project. The 3-mile trail will start at Lena Street (Washington Park) and end at Allene Avenue. The design includes access points with ADA-accessible ramps and stair systems, greenway, lights, cameras, and preservation for future transit.

Date: Monday, June 23 2014 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Location: West Hunter Street Baptist Church
1040 Ralph David Abernathy Boulevard, SW, Atlanta, GA 30310
Free parking available