BeltLine Westside Trail Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
September 29, 2017
On a melting hot late-September afternoon, a large crowd of people was present as the Atlanta BeltLine’s Westside Trail was officially opened to the public on September 29, 2017. The heat proved to be a popular choice of topic for speakers at the ceremony, which was hosted at Gordon-White Park. Among the guests of honor, which included expected individuals like Major Kasim Reed and council members, the BeltLine’s Brian McGowan and Rob Brawner, and representatives from key public and private partners, but also a surprise appearance by Representative John Lewis; whom, Mayor Reed jokingly noted, “just happened to be in the neighborhood.”
Upon completion of the speeches, the guests of honor crossed White Street to cut the ribbon at the access ramp to the Westside Trail, surrounded by a swarm of media and visitors. After the ribbon cutting frenzy, the crowd disbursed back to the park for a community celebration and strolls along the newly opened trail.
Tags: adair park, atlanta beltline, celebration, ceremony, development, event, exercise, gordon white park, intown atlanta, kasim reed, path, ribbon cutting, southwest atlanta, special event, trail, washington park, west end, west end park, westside trail, westview