Trees Atlanta has done a lot in Enota Park so far in the early stages of its development as the largest public park in our community. In recent months, they have cleared a few very overgrown acres and planted more than 200 trees! Now, they’re inviting us to help! This is the message from Trees Atlanta:
Help us improve Enota Park by removing evergreen invasive plant species within the park, plus help us stabilize the hillside with a large quantity of grass seed.
-It is important to arrive on time so each volunteer sees our demonstration (it takes 10 minutes). We also want all volunteers to stay for the entire project.
-Wear pants and a long-sleeved shirt, closed-toed shoes or boots (waterproof is best), and clothes that can get dirty.
-Bring drinking water in a reusable container. It is important to stay hydrated. No one-time-use plastic bottles, please.
-Forest Restoration is hard work, so eat a good breakfast and come prepared to work hard.
-Projects happen rain or shine, so please check the weather beforehand and come prepared.
-Trees Atlanta will provide all necessary tools and instruction, though volunteers may prefer to bring their own work gloves.
Louie Lewis will be coordinating for Trees Atlanta. He can be reached at 678.588.9863.
Enota Park – near Beltline and I-20, parking available at Fulton County Training Facility, 425 Langhorn St. SW
Last week Creative Loafing wrote an article about Invest Atlanta, the City of Atlanta’s economic development arm, voting to purchase the Westside Trail land from the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) for $1.64 million. The Atlanta BeltLine Westside Trail comprises of former railroad land that goes from Washington Park to Adair Park (including Westview!). The board’s vote to acquire the land puts the $43 million Atlanta BeltLine trail project one step closer to starting construction in the fall of 2014.
The Westside Trail is not to be confused with the existing West End/Westview spur trail going from the Westview Cemetery to Rose Circle Park, which was a project spearheaded in cooperation with the PATH Foundation. The new Westside Trail will be located inside the former train corridor and will include construction of a flat cemented path, lighting and surveillance cameras for security, benches for resting, and landscaping.
Exciting big development for Westview in 2014!
Read the Creative Loafing article: City agrees to purchase old State Farmers Market, southwest Beltline trail land from GDOT
Learn more about the Atlanta BeltLine:
On Tuesday, December 3, 2013 the Atlanta BeltLine hosted an open house meeting for property owners adjacent to the impeding Westside Trail.
To view photos of the meeting please check out the photo gallery below or visit our Westview Facebook page.
Atlanta BeltLine Subareas 1 and 10 Southwest and Westside Study Groups Meeting – Property Owners Open House
Date: Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Location: West End Seventh Day Adventist Church (in the Family and Community Center), 1191 Donnelly Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30310
Details: Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. was awarded TIGER V funding for 2.5 miles of shared use trails, trailheads and access points, and preservation of future streetcar transit corridor in southwest Atlanta.
Please join us for a public presentation and discussion of the future construction of the Westside Trail. Impacted property owners will have the opportunity to view the project, ask questions, and provide commentary.
The Westside Trail will have a significant impact on surrounding neighborhoods as the corridor stitches together emerging economic nodes. The TIGER V grant award, along with federal and local support, provides the funding to start construction by the fall of 2014. This represents a two to three year acceleration of this portion of trail construction.
Parking is limited. Please consider carpooling or public transit.
For More Information Contact: Beth McMillan, Director of Community Engagement at
Visit the website
Date: Sunday’s
Time: 1:45pm to 5:00pm
Location: Meet at the Wren’s Nest, 1050 Ralph David Abernathy Blvd, SW, Atlanta, GA 30310
Details: The Atlanta BeltLine Partnership and Atlanta Bicycle Coalition offer free, guided bike tours of the Atlanta BeltLine on Sunday afternoons at 2 p.m. Enjoy the ride while you learn about the Atlanta BeltLine concept, history, and updates on project planning, implementation and development.
These tours will include rest stops highlighting assets and points of interest along the Atlanta BeltLine. Staff with the Atlanta Bicycle Coalition will lead the rides, and each group will have a ride sweep to help with any unexpected mechanical difficulties.
Riders should bring a multi-geared bicycle in good working condition, wear comfortable clothing, wear a helmet, and bring a water bottle. Plan to arrive 30 minutes early; availability is limited.
Route Map:
Brief Rest Stops:
- Gordon White Park
- Brown Middle School/Rose Circle Park
- Lionel Hampton greenspace
We book Atlanta BeltLine Bike Tours one month at a time. The reservation system opens at 9:00 a.m. on the 25th of each month for the following month’s tour dates.
Source: Atlanta BeltLine
On October 3, 2013 the Atlanta BeltLine hosted a citywide conversation at Booker T. Washington High School about the recently awarded Tiger V grant. Thanks to the $18 million grant Westview residents should see construction towards the end of 2014. The $18 million grant will make up only a portion of the $43 million total project cost.
“Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. was awarded TIGER V funding for 2.5 miles of shared use trails, trailheads and access points, and preservation of future streetcar transit corridor in southwest Atlanta. The Southwest Trail will have a significant impact on surrounding neighborhoods as the corridor stitches together emerging economic nodes. The TIGER V grant award, along with federal and local support, provides the funding to start construction by the fall of 2014. This represents a two to three year acceleration of this portion of trail construction.” (Source: Atlanta BeltLine)
To view photos of the meeting please visit the Westview Facebook page.
To learn more about the Atlanta BeltLine visit
Southwest Atlanta is back in the news again thanks to the Atlanta BeltLine. Creative Loafing’s staff has picked the Atlanta BeltLine Southwest Trail as the “Best urban hike: Atlanta Beltline’s Southwest Trail” for their 2013 “Best of Atlanta” selection. Thank you Creative Loafing for putting Westview and southwest Atlanta in the spotlight with this award!
Read the Creative Loafing article Best urban hike: Atlanta Beltline’s Southwest Trail.
Date: Saturday, October 19, 2013
Time: 1:00pm
Location: South Gordon Community Garden, 1439 South Gordon Street, Atlanta, GA 30310
The Westview Community Organization is planning a hike on Saturday, October 19, 2013. We will be hiking at Sweet Water Creek State Park, which is west on I-20 in Douglasville. Everyone will meet at the South Gordon Community Garden at 1:00pm and carpool to Sweet Water Creek State Park from there. The entry fee to the park is $5.00 per car.
Things to remember:
- wear comfortable shoes
- dress for the weather
- bring water
- bring a snack