Enota Park

Enota Park Clean-up

More good news on the park, greenery, and Atlanta BeltLine front – the future expanded Enota Park site will soon see movement. Trees Atlanta applied for, and received, a $46,800 grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF). The 2-year project will tackle the removal of invasive species, such as ivy and kudzu, and include tree plantings along the I-20 slope to help control erosion and create a natural buffer from the highway.

NFWF press release:

Enota Park and Proctor Creek Restoration (GA)
Trees Atlanta, Inc.
Trees Atlanta and partners will remove six acres of invasive species and trash, replant native species to stabilize slopes and streambanks, and highlight the project through adult and youth
education programming. In addition, partners will redesign the portion of Proctor Creek that flows through the site and complete a full park design. Project will capitalize on the proximity
and timing of the Atlanta BeltLine Westside Trail (Enota Park Portion) project set for completion by the end of 2017. Partners include the Atlanta BeltLine, Park Pride, the City of Atlanta and
the Westview Community Organization.

Westside Trail Design Open House

Westside Trail Design Open House Photos

On February 20, 2014 the Atlanta BeltLine hosted an open house for residents to view the architectural plans of the Westside Trail. The Westside Trail will span from Lena Street in the Washington Park neighborhood, through the Westview neighborhood, to Allene Avenue in the Adair Park neighborhood. The plans outlined locations of retaining walls, access ramps from the streets and neighborhood to the trails, and locations of proposed future transit stops. Construction for the trails are intended to start around September 2014 and will include preparations for the future transit portion, which is also set as part of the Phase I of future development.

To view photos of the meeting please check out the photo gallery below or visit our Westview Facebook page.

BeltLine Westside Trail Meeting

Atlanta BeltLine Property Owners Open House Meeting Photos

On Tuesday, December 3, 2013 the Atlanta BeltLine hosted an open house meeting for property owners adjacent to the impeding Westside Trail.

To view photos of the meeting please check out the photo gallery below or visit our Westview Facebook page.

Atlanta BeltLine Property Owners Open House Meeting

Atlanta BeltLine Subareas 1 and 10 Southwest and Westside Study Groups Meeting – Property Owners Open House
Date: Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Location: West End Seventh Day Adventist Church (in the Family and Community Center), 1191 Donnelly Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30310

Details: Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. was awarded TIGER V funding for 2.5 miles of shared use trails, trailheads and access points, and preservation of future streetcar transit corridor in southwest Atlanta.

Please join us for a public presentation and discussion of the future construction of the Westside Trail. Impacted property owners will have the opportunity to view the project, ask questions, and provide commentary.

The Westside Trail will have a significant impact on surrounding neighborhoods as the corridor stitches together emerging economic nodes. The TIGER V grant award, along with federal and local support, provides the funding to start construction by the fall of 2014. This represents a two to three year acceleration of this portion of trail construction.

Parking is limited. Please consider carpooling or public transit.

For More Information Contact: Beth McMillan, Director of Community Engagement at bmcmillan@atlbeltline.org

Visit the website

Atlanta BeltLineTiger V Grant Meeting

Atlanta BeltLine Tiger V Grant Meeting

On October 3, 2013 the Atlanta BeltLine hosted a citywide conversation at Booker T. Washington High School about the recently awarded Tiger V grant. Thanks to the $18 million grant Westview residents should see construction towards the end of 2014. The $18 million grant will make up only a portion of the $43 million total project cost.

“Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. was awarded TIGER V funding for 2.5 miles of shared use trails, trailheads and access points, and preservation of future streetcar transit corridor in southwest Atlanta. The Southwest Trail will have a significant impact on surrounding neighborhoods as the corridor stitches together emerging economic nodes. The TIGER V grant award, along with federal and local support, provides the funding to start construction by the fall of 2014. This represents a two to three year acceleration of this portion of trail construction.” (Source: Atlanta BeltLine)

To view photos of the meeting please visit the Westview Facebook page.

To learn more about the Atlanta BeltLine visit http://beltline.org.

Southwest Trail

Tiger V Grant to Construct Southwest Trail

The Atlanta BeltLine Eastside Trail in northeast Atlanta has already proven to be a great success since its opening in October 2012. The trail is very actively used by walkers, joggers, and bikers; connects various parks and amenities sought by city dwellers; and is reported to already have spawned some $775 million in private development within a half mile radius over the last several years.

Now the southwest has an opportunity for positive development thanks in part to an $18 million TIGER V grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation. The Southwest Trail will run from Allene Street in Adair Park up to Washington Park. Like the Eastside Trail it will run within the BeltLine corridor and will feature additional security thanks to security cameras and lighting. The total projected cost for purchasing the right-of-way, design, demolition and construction is estimated at $43 million. Thanks to the TIGER V grant the project will be able to proceed ahead of schedule, with earth possibly moving as early as fall 2014.

To learn more about the Atlanta BeltLine Southwest Trail read the Atlanta BeltLine’s press release.

Stokes Avenue Pocket Park

Landscaping For Pocket Park

In April fence construction was started on the Stokes Avenue Community Pocket Park. On Saturday, May 19, 2012 neighbors came back together to continue work on the park-to-be. One crew continued work on the fence while another crew planted shrubs and perennial flowers. The fence is funded thanks to an NPU-T grant and the landscaping is funded thanks to the “Love Your Block” grant.

Keep your eyes peeled for future work days at the new Stokes Avenue Community Pocket Park!

To view more photos of the Stokes Park work day please visit our Westview Facebook page.

Stokes Avenue Park Fence Construction

April Clean-Up Month Photos

The Westview Community Organization held a successful kick-off to the “April Clean-Up Month.” Neighbors came together on Saturday, April 7, 2012, to tackle two tasks:

One team roamed the streets to collect tires that have been dumped throughout the neighborhood. Thanks to Liberty Tire Recycling, the 100 collected tires (!) will no longer be littering the Westview neighborhood.

The second team set out to start constructing a picket fence around the new Stokes Avenue Community Park (or at least park to be!). Thanks to the “NPU-T” grant the neighborhood was able to fund a picket fence. The fence is yet to be completed, but good progress has been made.

Thanks to all the volunteers who made it out! We hope to see you out for the next two clean-up days on Saturday, April 14, and Saturday, April 21.

To view more photos of the tire clean-up and fence construction please visit our Westview Facebook page.