Neighbors Fall Hike
October 20, 2012
Date: Sunday, November 11, 2012
Time: 1:30pm
Location: 1471 Ralph David Abernathy, Atlanta, GA 30310
The Westview Community Organization is planning a hike on Sunday, November 11, 2012. We will be hiking at Sweet Water Creek State Park, which is west on I-20 in Douglasville. Meet at Calvary United Methodist Church at 1:30pm and leave from there to the park. We will try and hike about 4-miles on the trails (2.0 up and 2.0 back-or less) and then return back to the church.
When hiking :
– wear comfortable strong shoes
– dress for the weather
– bring a light snack
Members of the community and their family are welcome to come. Westview Community Organization will not provide transportation to or from the hike. If you would like more details please email me back at
Tags: community, fitness, health, hike, park, recreation, southwest atlanta, sweetwater creek park, walk, wco, westview, westview community organization