Westside Trail Groundbreaking

Mayor Kasim Reed, Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. and the Atlanta BeltLine Partnership invite you to the groundbreaking of the Westside Trail.

Join the Atlanta BeltLine for a celebration as they break ground on the next significant milestone: the Westside Trail. The ceremony will take place on the Westside Trail where it intersects Allene Avenue (between Catherine Street and the Urban Farm) in historic Adair Park.

The ceremony site is accessible from the West End and Oakland City MARTA stations on the red / gold lines. From the West End station, take the 95 bus down Metropolitan. From the Oakland City station, take the 193 bus to Sylvan Road.

Biking and walking to the ceremony is encouraged and is an opportunity to use the interim hiking trail before it goes into construction. Bike racks will be available for locking up your bike at the event. Riding a bike in the corridor requires a suitable all-terrain bike.

On-street parking is available on Allene Avenue, Catherine Street, and Lexington Avenue. For navigation purposes, enter 1076 Allene Avenue SW, Atlanta, GA 30310.

The Westside Trail is a three-mile multi-use trail that will connect Washington Park in the north to Adair Park in the south with connectivity to multiple neighborhoods in between. This historic investment in southwest Atlanta will create a bicycle-and pedestrian-safe corridor with connections to four schools, four parks, and the future Urban Farm. It will stitch together economic nodes via shared-use trails, trailheads, and access points all while preserving the corridor for future streetcar transit. The design includes lighting, cameras, and ADA-accessible entry points. Visit our Westside Trail construction page for more information.

The Westside Trail is made possible through a U.S. DOT TIGER V grant of $18 million, a local match from the Georgia Department of Transportation for $9.5 million, funding from the Atlanta Regional Commission’s Transportation Improvement Plan, and the generous support of the following:

> James M. Cox Foundation / PATH Foundation
> Kaiser Permanente
> Susan and Richard Anderson
> Wells Fargo
> Georgia Power Foundation, Inc.
> AGL Resources
> Ray Weeks, Jr.
> Cousins Properties
> Richard and Susan Dugas Family Foundation
> Georgia-Pacific Foundation
> SunTrust Trusteed Foundations:
Harriet McDaniel Marshall Trust and Walter H. and Marjory M. Rich Memorial Fund
> Jamestown
> John W. Somerhalder II
> Philip I. Kent
> Mr. and Mrs. R. Charles Shufeldt
> Carter

Westview Master Plan Adopted

Westview Master PlanThe Westview Community Organization is proud to announce that the Westview Master Plan has been officially adopted by the City of Atlanta!

Following the June 13, 2011 Public Hearing, the Atlanta City Council unanimously voted to adopt the Ordinance on June 20, 2011: “An Ordinance by Community Development/Human Resources Committee to adopt the Westview Neighborhood Master Plan; to amend the City of Atlanta 2008 Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) so as to incorporate the Plan into the CDP; and for other purposes.”

Mayor Kasim Reed gave his stamp of approval on June 29, 2011, making the Westview Master Plan an official document and part of the City’s Comprehensive Development Plan.

The officially adopted plan will allow the neighborhood strive towards its development goals and provide a project guideline to the City when funding becomes available for such projects.

Download the Westview Master Plan PDF »

Download the adopted City of Atlanta legislation PDF »

Westview Mayoral Forum

Mayoral Forum Photos

The Southwest Atlanta Neighborhood Consortium (“SWANC”) Mayoral Forum on Saturday, September 19 hosted at KIPP STRIVE Academy had a great turnout. The four major candidates, Jesse Spikes, Kasim Reed, Mary Norwood, and Lisa Borders, came out to each answer questions collected prior to the forum by neighborhood residents, as well as additional questions collected from the floor during the forum.

South West Mayoral Forum

What: Mayoral Forum Hosted by Southwest Atlanta Neighborhood Consortium

When: Saturday, September 19, 2009, 4pm – 6pm

Where: KIPP STRIVE Academy, 1444 Lucile Ave, S.W.

Details: On Saturday, September 19, 2009, the Southwest Atlanta Neighborhood Consortium (“SWANC”) will host a Mayoral Forum from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. SWANC is a consortium of communities within Southwest Atlanta, including Beecher-Donnelly, Oakland City, West End, and Westview. SWANC’s footprint includes approximately 7,000 residents of diverse ethnic and demographic backgrounds.

The forum will be a moderated format with questions focusing on issues of particular concern to the SWANC constituency.

This is an important election and your presence and participation is strongly requested. For questions and additional information call 404.460.9047 or e-mail president@beecherdonnelly.com.