Westview Community Harvest Dinner

Join your neighbors for the annual community harvest dinner. The dinner has become a Westview tradition that allows neighbors to celebrate as everyone brings the year to a close. All neighbors are invited to participate. The dinner is also open to any person who does not have a community to surround them on this day.

Community Harvest Dinner

Join Westview neighbors and D Café as we celebrate Community Harvest Dinner on Thursday, November 23rd from 11:00am-2:00pm and 2:00pm – 5:00pm.

EVERYONE is invited to gather for the Community Harvest Dinner for FREE. Additionally, the Westview Community Organization would like to deliver some meals, target those who may be in need, or just simply want a place to gather.

If you can, please consider making a monetary donation to the Westview Community Organization to help us pull this off. You may donate via PayPal by using the WCO PayPal email address info@westviewatlanta.com.

Volunteers are needed to deliver meals & serving. Contact Kendall 404-788-3431 to make a donation or volunteer.

Please note: Liability issues prevent D Cafe from accepting any outside food donations.

Pathway Christian Church

Thanksgiving Lunch Collaboration

Pathway Christian Church, Calvary United Methodist Church, the John Perdew Legacy Project, and the Westview Community Organization work in collaboration on a weekly lunch open to all persons in the community, focused on providing a meal for those in need. On November 26, 2014 a special Thanksgiving meal was served.

Video Credit: Etoria Cheeks

Thanksgiving Food Baskets

Thanksgiving Food Baskets

Every year the Westview Community Organization strives to help those in need around Thanksgiving time. For last year’s Thanksgiving neighbors donated personal care items that were given to a women’s shelter. In years prior to that the organization participated in providing food for a Thanksgiving meal for the seniors at The Atrium at CollegeTown.

This year the Westview Community Organization partnered with The Big Apple Inn to put together Thanksgiving food baskets for those in need of a helping hand. Thanks to all the generous donations four boxes of food items were collected and will be distributed via the Youth of Westview program.

The Westview Community Organization and The Big Apple Inn would like to thank all the neighbors, good Samaritans, and Westview businesses who donated towards this cause.

Thanksgiving Basket

Thanksgiving Basket Donation

The Westview Community Organization is partnering with NPU-T and Morehouse College to make Thanksgiving baskets for those in need. Rather than the usual food baskets, Westview members have committed to creating toiletry baskets for a nearby shelter.

Residents came together to donate shampoo, detergent, toothbrushes, lotion, and more. The contributions have been fantastic, and the WCO would like to thank all those neighbors who contributed and helped to make this holiday season a more memorable one for those in need.

Community Sponsored Dinner

It has become a tradition for the Westview Community Organization, surrounding neighborhood organizations, and NPU-T to sponsor a Thanksgiving Dinner for the seniors at the John O’Chiles senior homes over the years. The homes closed for renovation and have now re-opened as the Atrium-Veranda. The communities have once again come together to provide over 200 seniors with a meal the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Children from the Spelman College Nursery came by to sing to the seniors.