Westview Featured on Curbed

Westview In The Press

Westview received love from online real estate and neighborhood news outlet, Curbed, two days in a row!

The first article, published on June 5, 2014, titled “Historic Westview Exhibits Symptoms Of Beltline Fever,” shines a light on all the activities members of the Westview Community Organization are making happen in our beloved intown Atlanta neighborhood. Author Josh Green highlights our $40 homestead property taxes and multitude of available houses under $200k while pointing to the imminent construction of the Westside BeltLine trail (which comes straight through Westview).

In the second article, published on June 6, 2014, and titled “For Now, These Homes Near The Beltline Ask Less Than $200K,” author Kimberly Turner broadens the focus by not only highlighting Westview, but also a few nearby neighborhoods. The article showcases some of the affordable inventory available in southwest Atlanta and compares the quality to that of the much more pricey Eastside neighborhoods.

Thank you for the recognition, Curbed! We hope this will be the beginning of a beautiful friendship between Westview and Curbed.