National Night Out

National Night Out Photos

On one of the possibly most sweltering days of the year the Westview Community Organization held the annual National Night Out event on Rogers Avenue. Young and old came together to socialize on the street with police officers and city officials while munching on hot dogs and cooling down with drinks. An added bonus for the kids was games and school supplies!

To view more photos from the National Night Out event please visit our Westview Facebook page.

National Night Out 2011

National Night Out 2011
Join your neighbors on Tuesday, August 2nd from 7:00pm to 9:00pm for food, music, and public safety awareness! The event will be held in the 1600 block of Rogers Avenue. The Westview Community Organization and its sponsors will donate hot dogs, hot dog buns and beverages. Neighbors are encouraged to contribute hot sides and school supplies.

National Night Out, ‘America’s Night Out Against Crime,’ was introduced by the National Association of Town Watch (NATW) in 1984 to prevent crime, drugs and violence in cities across America. That first year, 400 communities in 23 states participated in National Night Out. Nationwide, 2.5 million Americans took part in 1984. The 27th Annual National Night Out last August involved 37.0 million people in 15,110 communities from all 50 states, U.S. territories, Canadian cities, and military bases worldwide.

National Night Out is designed to:

  • Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness;
  • Generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs;
  • Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and
  • Send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.

More information about National Night Out can be found at

Rogers Avenue Trees Atlanta Planting

Rogers Avenue Trees

Although the Atlanta January “blizzard” initially got in the way of the scheduled Trees Atlanta planting on Rogers Avenue, the rescheduled event finally took place on January 22nd. Volunteers both from inside and outside of the neighborhood came to plant trees along the landscape strips and front yards.

To view more photos of the Trees Atlanta planting on Rogers Avenue please visit the complete photo album on our Westview Facebook page.

Tree Planting

Trees Atlanta will be planting on Rogers Avenue on Saturday morning, January 8, 2011.

If you live on Rogers Avenue and would like a FREE tree for your yard please contact Here is a list of the trees available:

  • White oak
  • Southern red oak
  • Princeton American elm
  • Golden Globe ginkgo
  • Shangri-La ginkgo
  • Wildfire blackgum
  • American linden (basswood)
  • Nuttall oak
  • Tulip-poplar
  • Riverbirch
  • Red maple
  • American hornbeam
  • Overcup oak

Westview is losing a lot of old growth trees because of age. (The oaks in the list above are old growth trees, i.e., long lasting and large.) These trees make Westview so beautiful. You can establish a legacy for future residents of Westview by planting now, while at the same time having a nice, free, tree for your yard.

Additionally, smaller trees will be planted in the grass strip between the sidewalk and the roadway.