BeltLine Southwest Corridor Design Meeting

Date: Thursday, April 25, 2013
Time: 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Location: Washington High School—Auditorium (near intersection of Beckwith Street & Whitehouse), 45 Whitehouse Drive, SW Atlanta, GA 30314

Details: Learn more about the Southwest Multi-Use Trail. Please join us for the kick-off meeting to discuss the preliminary design of the Southwest Corridor, including transit and a multi-use trail. This 3.4 mile corridor will start at Lena Avenue (Washington Park) and will end at Allene Avenue. The corridor design will also include streetscapes, landscape design, access point identification, and proposed transit stops.

Implementing the Atlanta BeltLine

Date: Thursday, February 7, 3012
Time: 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Location: Atlanta Metropolitan College, Dennard Center, 1630 Metropolitan Parkway SW, Atlanta, GA 30310

Details: Join Atlanta City Councilmembers Joyce Sheperd, Carla Smith and Cleta Winslow for a community meeting:

What are the next steps for the Atlanta BeltLine?

The Atlanta BeltLine is a massive, comprehensive project that touches more than 45 neighborhoods. While a great deal of work has been accomplished in the past six years, there is much more to do. We must answer important questions about how we build the rest of the project – and we can only do that with your help.

We need your help to help inform the priorities of the project moving forward. The upcoming meeting is your opportunity to hear about how we are shaping this plan, and what criteria we will use to prioritize projects. Most importantly, it is an opportunity to provide your input on how we move projects forward using these criteria.

Beth McMillan, Director of Community Engagement at 404-477-3550 or
Lynnette Reid, Atlanta Beltline Community Engagement at 404-477-3551 or

NPU-T Monthly Meeting

Time: 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Location: Empire Board of Realists, 686 Joseph E. Lowery Blvd., Atlanta, GA 30310

Details: Monthly Neighborhood Planning Unit T (NPU-T) general meeting with police, fire, and community prosecutor’s updates, neighborhood association reports, committee reports, and zoning and alcohol license reviewing. For more information about NPU-T visit​

NPU-T Monthly Meeting

Monthly NPU-T General Meeting with Police, Fire, and Community Prosecutor’s updates, Neighborhood Associations reports, Committee reports, and Zoning and License Review Board.

The agenda and minutes can be downloaded from our website at:​/agenda-minutes.php

PARKING: Please enter parking lot from R.D. Abernathy Blvd.

Westview Master Plan Adopted

Westview Master PlanThe Westview Community Organization is proud to announce that the Westview Master Plan has been officially adopted by the City of Atlanta!

Following the June 13, 2011 Public Hearing, the Atlanta City Council unanimously voted to adopt the Ordinance on June 20, 2011: “An Ordinance by Community Development/Human Resources Committee to adopt the Westview Neighborhood Master Plan; to amend the City of Atlanta 2008 Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) so as to incorporate the Plan into the CDP; and for other purposes.”

Mayor Kasim Reed gave his stamp of approval on June 29, 2011, making the Westview Master Plan an official document and part of the City’s Comprehensive Development Plan.

The officially adopted plan will allow the neighborhood strive towards its development goals and provide a project guideline to the City when funding becomes available for such projects.

Download the Westview Master Plan PDF »

Download the adopted City of Atlanta legislation PDF »

Master Plan Adoption

The legislation to adopt the Westview Master Plan has been written, and it will be making its way through various hearings and committee meetings before going to City Council for a vote. Neighbors are encouraged to attend these meetings to answer questions and show support for the plan. Please mark two very important dates on your calendars:

– Public hearing on June 13th at 6:00pm

– Community Development/Human Resources Committee on June 14th at 12:30pm

Location: Committee Room 2, Atlanta City Hall, 55 Trinity Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30303

2011 Comprehensive Development Plan Workshop

2011 CDP Workshop

Members of the Westview neighborhood joined together with residents from Neighborhood Planning Unit’s T, S, and V for the “Intown South” workshop of the City of Atlanta’s 2011 Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP). Georgia law requires a plan to be made every 3-5 years, and looks at the development of the city for the next 20 years.

In this first meeting (out of 3 meetings total) the goal was to come up with issues and opportunities in our neighborhoods, and the city as a whole.

To view more photos of the CDP workshop please visit the complete photo album on our Westview Facebook page.

BeltLine SW Study Group

BeltLine SW Study Group

On Thursday, July 22nd the Atlanta BeltLine held a southwest Atlanta study group meeting at SPACE. Residents were presented with land use, bicycle, and Enota Park plans that stemmed from community input received during the April 22nd meeting. After the presentation additional feedback was provided by residents to further refine the plan.

The final Sub Area 1 BeltLine Draft Master Plan will be presented during a meeting on Thursday, August 27th, 2010 at West Hunter Street Baptist Church (1040 Ralph David Abernathy Blvd).

To see plans related to Westview’s study area please visit the BeltLine website.