KIPP Metro Atlanta is pleased to announce the completion of a $10 million capital campaign to fund the construction of our first elementary school in Atlanta, KIPP STRIVE Primary. Thanks to the $5 million challenge grant issued by one of our greatest advocates, the Kendeda Fund, we were able to leverage this support and raise the remaining funds required to construct the facility on the campus of KIPP STRIVE Academy Middle School. Funders include the Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation, the David, Helen, and Marian Woodward Fund, the Tull Foundation, the Besse Johnson & George Blanton Allen Foundation, two anonymous donors, and numerous individuals.
Securing the funds at this time will allow us to begin construction this spring. The founding class of KIPP STRIVE Primary Kindergarten students will share space with KIPP STRIVE Academy Middle School during the 2012-13 school year. The new facility will be completed in time for the begining of the 2013-14 school year.
Such local philanthropic support would not be possible without the hard work and dedication of all our teachers, staff, students and parents who work each and every day to ensure our students have the knowlege and skills necessary to successfully climb the mountain to college.
Taken from KIPP Metro Atlanta E-newsletter (February 8, 2012)