Westview Rezoning Meeting
February 5, 2013
Date: Thursday, February 7, 2013
Time: 6:00pm
Location: Council Chambers, Second Floor, Atlanta City Hall, 55 Trinity Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30303
Details: The Zoning Review Board will vote on two re-zonings affecting the Westview neighborhood:
Z-12-16-An Ordinance by Councilmembers Cleta Winslow and C. T. Martin to rezone certain properties within the Cascade Avenue Corridor in NPU-S and NPU-T from the C-1 (Community Business), and C-1-C (Community Business-Conditional), Districts to the NC-14 (Cascade Avenue Beecher Street Neighborhood Commercial) District; and for other purposes.
Z-12-17-An Ordinance by Councilmembers Cleta Winslow and C. T. Martin to rezone certain properties within the Cascade Avenue Corridor in NPU-T from the R-4 (Single-Family Residential), C-1 (Community Business), and the C-1-C (Community Business–Conditional) Districts to the MRC-1-C (Mixed Residential Commercial-Conditional) and MRC-2-C (Mixed Residential Commercial-Conditional) Districts; and for other purposes.
Tags: beecher, cascade, economic development, nc, nc-14, neighborhood commercial, neighborhood commercial district, ordinance, ralph david abernathy, rda, redevelopment, southwest atlanta, vote, westview, westview atlanta, Z-12-16, Z-12-17, zoning