A Bank That Cares About Community
January 20, 2012
When 5th/3rd Bank decided to open a branch in the Kroger CitiCenter shopping complex they did not simply renovate and start work, they actually came to the community. Future 5th/3rd bank manager Shaylah Richburg attended Westview Community Organization meetings months before the store was set to open and immediately asked “How can 5th/3rd Bank contribute in the community?” Shaylah continued to attend meetings and brought a ham to the annual Holiday Luncheon at Fire Station 17, mingling with the community like a committed neighbor. Through her attendance and communication with residents she soon found an issue that has become close to the heart for many residents in the past year – the work Pat and John Perdew have done with neighborhood children. The Perdew’s have opened their home to children where they can be in a loving, encouraging environment, where neighbors stop by to help the kids with homework after school, and where the kids can work together to cook a family meal. For their grand opening 5th/3rd Bank wanted to once again show their commitment to the surrounding area and chose the Perdew’s “Youth of Westview” children as the organization they would like to support. We are therefore proud to announce that the “Youth of Westview” were awarded $500 through fiscal agent “Next Steps Youth Entrepreneur Program” (from neighboring Beecher-Donnelly) to help fund future projects for the children.
Westview can be excited to have gained such a community-based bank at a time when most banks leave a bad taste in people’s mouths. Welcome to the neighborhood Shaylah and 5th/3rd Bank!
To view more photos of the 5th/3rd Bank grand opening please visit our Westview Facebook page.
Tags: 5th/3rd bank, donation, economic development, kroger citicenter, southwest atlanta, westview, youth of westview