Police Beat Rezoning
April 6, 2011
The Atlanta Police Department is undergoing a beat redistricting. The changes are anticipated to take affect the summer of 2011. Part of the changes will include three new police cars and 15 new officers for Zone 4 (Westview’s police zone).
The majority of Westview is in Beat 402, with only a small slither between the BeltLine corridor and Langhorn Street belonging to Beat 401. Currently, Beat 402 is at 97% of an acceptable average workload (below average), and Beat 401 is at 117% of an acceptable average workload (above average). After the Beat changes take affect Beat 402 is anticipated to be at 69% of an acceptable average workload, and Beat 401 is anticipated to be at 108% of an acceptable average workload.
To read more information about the police redistricting download the APD’s Word document.
Tags: apd, atlanta police department, beat, beat 401, beat 402, police, police officer, redistricting, rezoning, southwest atlanta, westview, zone 4