Sheep at Enota Park

Sheep at Enota Park

2014 Kudzu Removal Program

Each year the Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. teams up with Trees Atlanta to complete invasive plant removals around the Atlanta BeltLine Corridor and in future Atlanta BeltLine park land. Invasive plant removal is vital to creating and maintaining healthy urban forests in the City of Atlanta.

This year, Trees Atlanta has hired a herd of sheep to eat acres of kudzu growing in Atlanta’s greenspaces, and the herd will be working in Enota Park in Westview.

In order to keep all of the surrounding neighbors informed, Trees Atlanta has provided several sheep FAQs:

Q: Do the sheep stay onsite all night?
A: Yes. The sheep stay onsite 24 hours a day and will eat weeds even at night.

Q: Why are the dogs in with the sheep?
A: The dogs are guardian dogs and are there to protect the sheep from stray dogs, coyotes, and other threats. The guardian dog is not particularly friendly toward pet dogs, so please keep leashed dogs away from the fence.

Q: How often does the shepherd check on the herd?
A: The shepherd checks on the herd at least once a day to make sure that none have escaped, that there is adequate water and food, and to feed the dogs.

Q: How long will it take the sheep?
A: The sheep should be onsite for no more than a week at Enota Park and three to four weeks at Boulevard Crossing Park.

Q: What are the sheep eating?
A: On this particular site they are eating Japanese hops and kudzu.

Q: How do you keep the sheep in one place?
A: The white fencing is a temporary, moveable electric fence. It keeps the sheep on task and out of harm’s way.

Q: How quickly do the sheep eat invasives?
A: The general rule of thumb is that 30 sheep can consume 1 acre of invasives in 2 weeks, depending on the weather and the type of vegetation being eaten.

For any questions or in case of emergency please contact either:
Brian Williams
Trees Atlanta
O: 404-681-4901
M: 912-856-1600

Jennifer Chandler
Shady Brook Sheep
M: 706-248-3745

Invasive Plants
The United States Department of Agriculture defines an invasive species as non-native (or alien) to the ecosystem under consideration and whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.

[Source: Atlanta BeltLine]

To see photos of the sheep at Enota Park view the photo gallery below or visit the Westview Facebook page.